AeroMexico, Mexico’s global airline, presented its 2017 Sustainability Report, highlighting its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) accomplishments. Aeromexico was the first international airline to join the Blue Heart Campaign against human trafficking, and the activities that it carried out after the September earthquakes that shook Mexico. Other significant results include its reduced water consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in its operations.
Blue Heart Campaign and ‘Awake’
During the Annual General Assembly of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) hosted in Cancun in June 2017, one of the major topics discussed was how to combat human trafficking. The Blue Heart programme, promoted by the IATA with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), promotes the active participation of different sectors and stakeholders to raise awareness about human trafficking and to drive initiatives that contribute to its prevention, reporting and eradication.
As part of their commitment to society, Aeromexico developed a work plan to promote this campaign among employees and customers, supports the #AQUIESTOY Blue Heart Campaign Against Human Trafficking in Mexico and presented ‘Awake’, an in-house and external campaign about human trafficking that uses virtual reality to raise awareness about this issue.
Detection of Human Trafficking Victims
To consolidate these principles, the Mexican airline company developed a protocol for identifying and reporting possible victims of human trafficking in conjunction with the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) and other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and organized a number of talks and informative sessions with employees and flight attendants. This a one-of-a-kind tool in Mexico, and it was developed by the Fifth Human Trafficking Investigative Unit of the CNDH and by AeroMexico’s Social Responsibility department.