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Rethinking the restart of tourism in the Asia-Pacific region while managing adverse impacts on child rights

Posted on Jun 15, 2020

UN Virtual Forum on Responsible Business and Human Rights hosted a session during which the representatives of UNICEF Cambodia, ECPAT International, South Asia Initiative to End Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC), Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and Sampan Travel from Myanmar discussed the restart of tourism in the Asia-Pacific region while managing adverse impacts on child rights.

Among the multitude of challenges at the intersection of business and human rights, urgent action is needed to protect children from all forms of violence, in particular in the view of the restart of tourism after COVID-19 pandemic. As the world responds to the pandemic, push factors that facilitate or lead to violence, including the sexual exploitation of children both online and offline are intensifying, or are expected to increase. It’s time now, to rethink inclusive and sustainable development in the region that can be achieved only if key stakeholders act together to prevent, mitigate, and remediate risks to child protection.

Here is the recording from the session: