For many years, X served as a vital online space for community engagement, knowledge sharing, and campaigning for the protection of children worldwide.
However, recent years have seen the platform becoming a breeding ground for disinformation, harmful content, and inadequate moderation policies. Changes to X’s algorithms have also led to significant drops in ECPAT’s content engagement and visibility, making it increasingly difficult to connect and mobilise action for child protection.
As an organisation committed to protecting children from sexual exploitation and abuse, our work is deeply rooted in centring victims and survivors by fostering spaces that respect their rights, uphold their dignity and prevent revictimisation. We believe it is our collective responsibility to ensure that our actions do not further harm those we seek to support.
Recent comments and actions by X’s CEO, weaponising the suffering of child sexual abuse survivors, represent a stark contrast with ECPAT’s principles. Survivors’ pain and trauma should never be used as a tool to further political agendas or for public spectacle. We unequivocally condemn such exploitation and stand firm in our commitment to advocating for their rights with care and responsibility.
As a result, we are ceasing all activity on our X account, effective immediately. We invite our supporters to consider joining us on Bluesky, where we will continue to share critical knowledge, push for stronger child protection laws, and engage in a safer digital space.
Team ECPAT International