The single most important thing you can do to protect children from sexual exploitation is to report any suspected case.
This page, compiled by our partner organization Child Helpline International, can help you find the contact details of the child helpline service in your country, where you will be able to confidentially seek further assistance.
If you are a tourist and you see something suspicious, report it to the local police. Don’t delay, police may need to act quickly to rescue the child or catch the suspect. Provide as much information as possible. Note key details, such as:
If you can’t or won’t report to local law enforcement you can also report suspected child sex offences via our partner website Don’t Look Away.
If you believe you have seen children being sexually abused online, please contact the police. You can also go to the website of our partner organization INHOPE to find out the best avenue for reporting the material to the appropriate national authorities. Please do not send child sexual abuse material to any organization unless specifically asked to do so for law enforcement purposes. The unsolicited sending of child sexual abuse images could re-victimize the children featured by increasing the reach of the material’s audience – plus it may be illegal to receive, store or send such material in some cases.